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Advanced Tachyon Technologies

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  Experiment with beans, Tachyonized™ Water and Tachyonized™ Silica Disk  
    17th October 2008

Experiment with beans, Tachyonized™ Water and Tachyonized™ Silica Disk

  18 beans
  Tachyonized™ water
  2 Tachyonized™ Silica Disk
  Purified water
  3 plastic containers
  18 cottons pads
  1 table spoon

  We tried repeating our 2 years old experiment with beans and Tachyon Water. At this time we use same beans (2years old beans), tachyon water and tachyon silica disks. Experiment began with 3 plastic containers, 18 cottons pads, 18 beans, purified water, Tachyonized™ water, 2 Tachyonized™ Silica Disk.
  We lined the containers with cottons pads (6 for each one) and filed each one with 6 table spoon of purified water. Under one of the container we placed 2 tachyon silica disks (container C). We placed 6 beans in each container and then added 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O) to the container A and C. We added 60 drops of Tachyonized water (TW) to the other container (container B). We dribbled 10 drops directly on each of six beans. Every other day we added various amount of purified water to each container (always measured precisely so no container would be left with less water than the other). Every day we recorded the progress.

 Day  Container A  Container B  Container C  Photos
 1. day
 August 03
 Experiment started

 7 table spoons of purified water (H2O)
 Experiment started

 6 table spoons of purified water (H2O) + 6x10 drops of Tachyonized™ water (TW)
 Experiment started

 7 table spoons of purified water (H2O)
 2. day
 August 04
 No differences visible yet.  No differences visible yet.  No differences visible yet.  
 3. day
 August 05
 No differences visible yet.  No differences visible yet.  No differences visible yet.  
 4. day
 August 06
 Beans are bigger. No roots visible.

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O)
 Beans are bigger. No roots visible.

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O) + 6x10 drops of TW
 Beans are bigger. No roots visible.

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O)
 5. day
 August 07
 No differences from last day.  No differences from last day.  No differences from last day.  
 6. day
 August 08
 No differences from last day.  No differences from last day.  No differences from last day.  
 7. day
 August 09
 No differences from last day.

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O)
 No differences from last day.

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O) + 6x10 drops of TW
 No differences from last day.

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O)
 8. day
 August 10
 No differences from last day.   Small roots sticking out
 B2 - has small root long 1mm
 B3 - has small root long 1mm
 B1 , B4 , B5 , B6 - nothing visible yet
  Small roots sticking out
 C1 - has small root long 1mm
 C2 - has small root long 1mm
 C5 - has small root long 1mm
 C3 , C4 , C6 - nothing visible yet
 9. day
 August 11
 No roots.
 A5- has crack skin
 Small roots sticking out
 B2 - has small root long 2mm
 B3 - has small root long 2mm
 B6 - has crack skin
 B1 , B4 , B5 - nothing visible yet
 The longest one is C1 - 4mm
 C2 - has root long 3mm
 C5 - has root long 3mm
 C3 - has crack skin
 C4 - nothing visible yet
 C6 - has small mould
 10. day
 August 12
 No roots.
 A5- has crack skin

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O)
  Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is B2 - 4mm
 B3 - has small root long 3mm
 B6 - has crack skin
 B1 , B4 , B5 - nothing visible yet

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O) + 6x10 drops of TW
  Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is C1 - 6mm
 C2 - has root long 4mm
 C5 - has root long 4mm
 C3 - has bigger crack skin
 C4 , C6 - no differences from last day

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O)
 11. day
 August 13
 No roots.
 A5- has crack skin
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is B3 - 7mm
 B2 - has small root long 6mm has a slightly browned tip
 B6 - has crack skin
 B1 , B4 , B5 - nothing visible yet
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is C1 - 10mm
 C2 - has root long 6mm
 C5 - has root long 6mm
 C3 - has bigger crack skin
 C4 , C6 - no differences from last day
 12. day
 August 14
 No roots.
 A5- has crack skin
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is B3 - 12mm
 B2 - has small root long 10mm has a slightly browned tip
 B6 - has crack skin
 B1 , B4 , B5 - nothing visible yet
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is C1 - 15mm
 C2 - has root long 10mm
 C5 - has root long 10mm
 C3 - has bigger crack skin
 C4 , C6 - no differences from last day
 13. day
 August 15
 No roots.
 A5- has crack skin

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O)
  Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is B3 - 15mm
 B2 - has small root long 12mm has a slightly browned tip
 B6 - has crack skin
 B1 , B4 , B5 - nothing visible yet

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O) + 6x10 drops of TW
  Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is C1 - 16mm
 C2 - has root long 10mm
 C5 - has root long 10mm
 C3 - has bigger crack
 C4 , C6 - no differences from last day

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O)
 14. day
 August 16
 No roots.
 A5- has crack skin
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is B3 - 18mm
 B2 - has small root long 15mm has a slightly browned tip
 B4 - has small root long 1mm
 B6 - has crack skin
 B1 , B5 - nothing visible yet
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is C1 - 20mm
 C2 - has root long 12mm
 C5 - has root long 10mm
 C3 - has bigger crack
 C4 , C6 - no differences from last day
 15. day
 August 17
 No roots.
 A3- has crack skin
 A5- has crack skin
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is B3 - 20mm
 B2 - has small root long 17mm has a slightly browned tip
 B1 - has small root long 2mm
 B4 - has small root long 2mm
 B6 - has crack skin - green colour bean
 B5 - nothing visible yet
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is C1 - 25mm
 C2 - has root long 10mm
 C5 - has root long 10mm
 C3 - has bigger crack skin
 C4 , C6 - no differences from last day
 16. day
 August 18
 No roots.
 A3- has crack skin
 A4- has crack skin
 A5- has crack skin

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O)
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is B3 - 22mm
 B2 - has small root long 20mm has a slightly browned tip
 B1 - has small root long 4mm
 B4 - has small root long 4mm
 B6 - no differences from last day
 B5 - nothing visible yet

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O) + 6x10 drops of TW
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is C1 - 32mm
 C2 - has root long 16mm
 C5 - has root long 10mm
 C3 - has bigger crack skin
 C4 , C6 - have crack skins

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O)
 17. day
 August 19
 No roots.
 A3- has crack skin
 A4- has crack skin
 A5- has crack skin
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is B3 - 25mm
 B2 - has small root long 20mm has a slightly browned tip
 B1 - has small root long 6mm
 B4 - has small root long 7mm
 B6 - no differences from last day
 B5 - nothing visible yet
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is C1 - 36mm
 C2 - has root long 25mm
 C5 - has root long 12mm
 C3 - has bigger crack skin
 C4 , C6 - no differences from last day
 18. day
 August 20
 New small root.
 A3- has crack skin and small root - 2mm
 A4- has crack skin
 A5- has crack skin

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O)
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is B3 - 25mm
 B2 - has root long 22mm has a slightly browned tip
 B1 - has root long 8mm
 B4 - has root long 10mm
 B6 - no differences from last day
 B5 - nothing visible yet

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O) + 6x10 drops of TW
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is C1 - 40mm
 C2 - has root long 36mm
 C3 - has leaves in the crack
 C5 - has root long 15mm with a slightly browned tip
 C4 , C6 - no differences from last day

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O)
 19. day
 August 21
 One root.
 A1 , A3 , A4 , A5 - no differences from last day
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is B3 - 28mm
 B2 - has root long 24mm has a slightly browned tip new small roots sticking out
 B1 - has root long 9mm
 B4 , B6 - no differences from last day
 B5 - nothing visible yet
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is C1 - 42mm new small roots sticking out
 C2 - has root long 36mm
 C3 - has leaves in the crack is coming out
 C5 - has root long 16mm with a slightly browned tip
 C4 - no differences from last day
 C6 - mould on top of skin becoming bigger
 20. day
 August 22
 One root.
 A1 , A3 , A4 , A5 - no differences from last day

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O)
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is B3 - 28mm
 B2 - has root long 24mm has a slightly browned tip 6 small roots sticking out, 1 - 4 mm long
 B1 - has root long 10mm
 B4 , B6 - no differences from last day
 B5 - nothing visible yet

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O) + 6x10 drops of TW
 Small roots sticking out
 C1 , C2 , C3 , C4 , C5 , C6 - no differences from last day

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O)
 21. day
 August 23
 One root.
 A1 , A3 , A4 , A5 - no differences from last day
 A2 - small mould on top of skin
 A6 - small mould on top of skin
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is B3 - 30mm
 B2 - has root long 24mm has a slightly browned tip 12 small roots sticking out 1 - 6 mm long
 B1 - has root long 9mm
 B4 - has root long 10mm
 B6 - has crack skin - green bean
 B5 - nothing visible yet
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is C1 - 50mm new small roots sticking out, 1 - 2 mm long
 C2 - has root long 45mm new small roots sticking out
 C3 - has leaves in the crack is coming out
 C5 - has root long 20mm with a slightly browned tip
 C4 - mould on top of skin
 C6 - no differences from last day
 22. day
 August 24
 One root.
 A1 , A3 , A4 - no differences from last day
 A2 - mould on top of skin becoming bigger
 A5 - has crack skin - green bean
 A6 - mould on top of skin becoming bigger

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O)
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is B3 - 35mm
 B2 - has root long 25mm has a slightly browned tip 12 small roots sticking out 2 - 8 mm long
 B1 - has root long 9mm
 B4 - has root long 12mm
 B6 - has crack skin - green bean
 B5 - nothing visible yet

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O) + 6x10 drops of TW
 Small roots sticking out
 The longest one is C1 -60mm new small roots sticking out, 1 - 6 mm long
 C2 - has root long 55mm small roots sticking out
 C3 - has leaves in the crack is coming out
 C5 - has root long 20mm with a slightly browned tip
 C4 - mould on top of skin becoming bigger
 C6 - no differences from last day

 1 table spoon of purified water (H2O)
 27. day
 August 29
End of Experiment
 One root.
 A1 - has crack skin and small mould on top of skin
 A2 - mould over whole bean
 A3 - has crack skin and small root - 3mm
 A4 - has crack skin
 A5 - has crack skin - green bean going out
 A6 - mould over whole bean
 Roots and leaves sticking out
 B1 - has root long 25mm
 B2 - has strong green root with 18 small roots about 5-15mm long - has green leaves coming out
 B3 - 35mm long root with small new roots
 B4 - bean is cracked but without roots or leaves
 B5 - nothing visible, small mould on top of skin
 B6 - green bean has crack skin - small root coming out -1-2mm long
 Roots and leaves sticking out
 C1 - 40mm long green root with 30 mm long brown tip - small roots sticking out, 3 - 6 mm long
 C2 - has root long 60mm small roots sticking out, 3 - 6 mm long
 C3 - green leaves is coming out, no sign of root or roots
 C4 - has crack skin and large mould on top of skin
 C5 - has root long 25mm with a browned tip 15mm long
 C6 - has crack skin and large mould on top of skin

  The Result
  We tried duplicating our first experiment with beans and Tachyonized™ water. This time we added one container with 2 Tachyonized™ Silica Disks under container.
  At the beginning, this experiment starts very slow, mostly because beans were 2 years old and also cold weather in August in Sydney. We observed beans in purified water and beans with few drops of Tachyonized™ water and in tachyon energy field, which is produced by Tachyonized™ Silica Disks. We can safely say that the Tachyonized™ water supply beans with life-force energy same as Tachyonized™ Silica Disks. Some of these beans developed root system and start growing leaves.
  In container A with normal Purified water all beans seems to be death. There is only one bean with one root, which stops growing. Other beans are without sign of root at all. At the end of experiment, water in container A become smelly and with mould on top of beans.
  Our two experiments indicate that Tachyon energy helps with growing of leaving plants.

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