TachyonAU - Tachyon energy in Australia


Tachyon energy

Advanced Tachyon Technologies Australia

Advanced Tachyon Technologies

  Our News  
  TachyonAU - Newsletter - September 2008 Back to Main page   
    September 2008
TachyonAU - Newsletter

Dear Friend,
  In this issue you will find:
  Cell Phones: Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?
  Product of the month
  Distributor of the month
  New experiment with tachyon water
  Cell Phones: More than a Casual Link
  excerpts from:
  Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?
  By Craig Hodgeman
  Dr. Cousens' conclusion is that cell phones do have an entropic affect on most humans. He states that the best way to avoid the biological depletion that these devices produce is to abstain from using them. If you cannot live without your cell phone, then you must protect yourself from the entropic affects. In Dr. Cousens' personal opinion, the Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk is the best solution available for harmonizing and negating the electromagnetic fields produced by cell phones.
  Product of the month
  Such a coincidence that in this newsletter we bring to your attention an article about cell phones and our best selling product in August is the Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk.
  The Phone Micro Disk is made from the same pure silica material as the Tachyonized Silica Disk and is a powerful and protective cell phone device.
  For more information about Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disk click here.
  Distributor of the month
  Distributor of the month is awarded to Miroslava. She is one of our best distributors and we are very happy to have Miroslava in our TachyoAU family.
  If you are interested in becoming a distributor of the month please click here.
  New experiment with tachyon water
  At end of this month we will publish an article about an experiment with tachyon water, which is in progress. If you didn't read about our first experiment with water and beans you can see it here.
  So don't forget come back to our website at the end of September.
  Thank you for visiting our website about tachyon energy and Tachyonized™ products.
  We are looking forward to hearing from you
Best regards,
TachyonAU Team


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